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Home Sweet Homan FAQ’s

Thank you for your interest in our Home Sweet Homan Homeownership Initiative! We understand buying a home is one of the most important financial decisions that an individual or family can make and want to make the homebuying process as seamless as possible for our buyers. Whether you’re actively looking to buy or just interested in learning about the initiative, we’re here to answer all your inquiries. If you have a question and don’t see it answered below, please email our team.

This webpage is a living document. As our initiative unfolds, information is subject to change. Please refer to this page as a reference, but verify with project team as you navigate the homebuying process.
Last updated: October 31, 2023.

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Project Information

What is the Home Sweet Homan Homeownership Initiative?

Home Sweet Homan is an initiative led by FHS to construct twenty new single-family homes on vacant lots in the Homan Square neighborhood and provide affordable homeownership opportunities to individuals and families who live, work, or worship on the West Side.

What are the goals of the initiative?
  • To build generational wealth at the individual and household level.
  • To provide affordable homeownership opportunities.
  • To activate vacant land in the community in a productive way.
Who is developing and building these homes with FHS?
Will new homes create displacement of current residents in Homan Square?

The goal of this homeownership effort is explicitly not to displace current residents, but to provide new opportunities to remain on the West Side and invest in the community while building personal wealth through homeownership. No existing homes will be removed or replaced by new homes. All the lots built on through this effort were previously vacant and purchased from the Cook County Land Bank Authority or City of Chicago through ChiBlockBuilder.

Homebuyer Process

What is the process for buying a home?

Check out our homebuyer roadmap for more information about our homebuying process. If you have questions, reach out to our team via email at:

Who is eligible to buy a home?

While anyone is eligible to buy a Home Sweet Homan home, in order to adhere to our program goal of creating affordable homeownership opportunities, we are encouraging individuals and families who live, work, or worship on the West Side of Chicago who earn 80% – 120% of the area median income to buy.

Affordability & Financing

How much will the homes cost?

Home Sweet Homan makes it possible to purchase a home at a subsidized rate! We’re working with a variety of partners and subsidy programs to provide down payment assistance and other write-downs to make the homes affordable to average Chicagoans. The amount of subsidy awarded will be based on annual income.

Do buyers need to income qualify to buy a home?

While anyone is eligible to buy a Home Sweet Homan home, in order to adhere to our program goal of creating affordable homeownership opportunities, we are encouraging individuals and families earning 80% – 120% of the area median income to buy. Income limits based on family size for 2024 can be found here.

What subsidies are available for homebuyers?

Homebuyers who income qualify and meet our “live, work, worship” requirements can receive subsidies connected to the Reclaiming Chicago Communities program. Additional subsidies will be available through the Cook County Land Bank Authority and City of Chicago. First-time homebuyers may also qualify for assistance based on their income and mortgage provider. The Home Sweet Homan program is partnered with experienced realtors and homebuyer counselors who will help you make an informed and affordable home purchase and connect you to these resources.

What will a typical monthly mortgage payment be on these homes?

Depending on a buyers’ finances and down payment at closing, we estimate monthly mortgage payments will vary between $1,400 to $1,900 per month. This is consistent with average rents for market rate 3-bedroom units. That said, if you’re already paying rent, you could be paying a mortgage!

Are there homeowner’s association fees associated with the home?

No HOA fees are associated with the homes. However, buyers are welcome to join the North Lawndale Homeowner’s Association if they choose.